Participants: 1. Turkey 2. Bulgaria 3. Great Britain 4. Italy 5. Poland
Name of institution:
Comprensivo Istituto Assisi 2, Santa Maria Degli Angeli
Comprensivo Istituto Assisi 3, Petrignano Di Assisi
Umbria - Italy
Type of visit:
Mobility with teachers and students
Date of visit:
16th-24th March 2013
How do you appreciate the activities accomplished during the visit (in terms of balance between working/social activities, input from participants, communication and partnership negotiation)?
· Participants are in agreement that all activities were in line with the aims and objectives of ‘The Magic Frames’ project. Istituto Comprensivo Assisi 2 and Istituto Comprensivo Assisi 3 have shown great hospitality and have invested a great amount of effort into engaging participants in activities.
· The activities to where everyone was able to take an active role, such as the traditional cheese rolling, making pasta dishes in the pasta lab, trying our hands at ‘crochet’ the traditional needle craft, traditional dances, were of most interest and enjoyable to teachers and students.
· Participants were given a reasonable amount of free time away from the busy working schedule throughout the official week, where everyone was able to explore the historic sights and surrounding area of Assisi a little more within their own group.
· The organisation by the staff of Istituto Comprensivo was excellent; participants appreciated the great effort that has been put into making us feel welcome and looked after throughout our stay.
· Teachers and students of Istituto Comprensivo have shown great skills in their performances at the Auditorium, it was a pleasure to see such enthusiasm by everyone, an opportunity to show off their fantastic skills in music, drama and dance. A display of really talented and motivated teachers and students!
Also, participants appreciated the fact that students from Istituto Comprensivo joint us on our sightseeing days, acting as our own personal tour guides. This provided a great opportunity to get to know the Assisi students, to have a chat about their school live and their interests. Furthermore, it was great to watch that all the students from all partner countries were interacting with each other, engaging in conversations, keen to ask questions in order to learn about life in Assisi.
To which extent the objectives of the visit have been met?
The objectives of the Magic Frames project were met. All activities provided were relevant and appropriate to all ages.
Activities were carefully selected and organised to the project’s needs, covering the Magic Frames four main sections; Food, Traditional Costumes, Historic Sights and Natural Beauties.
Participants were introduced to Assisi’s long standing traditions and culture in an effective and interactive way.
In addition, participants were given the opportunity to take part in tours around both Istituto Comprensivo’s schools, in order for teachers and their students to learn about Assisi’s school life and to interact with their students of the Primary and Secondary sectors.
What follow-up activities did you organise in your own institution:
Teachers and students have shared their experiences with the whole school in assembly time, further with their classmates.
Teachers and students have written a document, to feed back on their experience and given their opinions on what they thought about the partner visit.
Photographs of our four categories have been selected and prepared for the local exhibition in school, alongside with the display of our official gifts from Istituto Comprensivo and works of Assisi’s students.
A local exhibition in school is planned for later in this academic year, in order to share our experience and findings on Assisi with parents, governors, teachers and students.
Press Releases have been sent to the local newspaper and the monthly school newspaper for publication.