Let’s start the contest for best logo and pennant of “Magic Frames” programme!

Following rules have been established:

1. Partnership schools are due to send logo and pennant projects until 5th of November 2011 to: sp44comenius@onet.pl Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć. .
2. All files have to be saved as JPG files in 1240x1024 resolution max.
3. Projects should be signed in order as follows: country, school’s name, author’s name.
4. All projects sent in due time will be displayed on website:
www.sp44.katowice.pl in the reference “Comenius” until the 9th of November
5. Partnership schools (from Turkey, Bulgaria, United Kingdom and Poland) have 2 votes (one to vote for logo and one to vote for the pennant project). Schools cannot vote for their own projects. Italian schools, as one country, have joint votes. One for the logo and one for pennant project.


Final results will be announced on our website ( www.sp44.katowice.pl ) on the 11th of November. And since then, the chosen logo and pennant will be the representative symbols of the Magic Frames project.